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A member registered Mar 12, 2022

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Hello Edward,

Your Linux package is missing the 'assets/attract*.txt' files so the game doesn't launch.

But they (or some of them?) are in the Linux demo package and by copying them into the assets folder I can play (at least the start of) the game.

Hope this helps somebody.

Hi Jolitti,

It works if you launch it from your file manager.

You can also get it to work from the terminal.
First do 'echo $TERM' and note your terminal emulator, mine is 'xterm-256colors'.

Now edit the Shipwreck script and insert e.g. 'export TERM=xterm-256colors' before the line that calls the binary for your architecture (in my case './Shipwreck.bin.x86_64').

Hope it helps somebody.

Hi David, it works.

To extract the archive in Debian I had to 'apt install p7zip-rar', then do '7z x <rar file>'.

Then I just had to chmod +x 'QuestofDungeons' and 'amd64/QuestofDungeons'.

Thank you for the game.

you want to run 'Hyperspace Dogfights' instead of ExeLinux directly so it sets the library path... then rename the jpeg and png libraries as indicated in the new error messages.  then, if you're like me, find out the game is too hard for you.